
The Top 3 Reasons to Write a Book for your Business

The Top 3 Reasons to Write a Book for your Business
The Top 3 Reasons to Write a Book for your Business

We’ve all heard people refer to books as the new business card, but I believe that they are so much more than that.

First of all, if you hand someone a book, they aren’t going to add you on LinkedIn and then toss it in the trash. A tangible item is way more likely to either lay on their desk (reminding them of you every day), be given to a friend who may need it (hey, that’s a referral!), or sold at a second-hand book store (so someone who needs it will get it and learn about you!).

Second of all, books are a wealth of knowledge. You will learn so much more about a person through their book than their business card or even their website. That book took a lot of time to work on, and that writer is standing behind their name on it!

Maybe you’ve been thinking about writing a book, but you aren’t quite convinced yet that this is for you.

Yes, it’s a time investment. Yes, it can be a major emotional investment. Yes, you will need to work with professionals to make it happen. And yes, it is totally worth it.

Here are some of the big things that you get from writing a book for your business:

  • Authenticity – no one can write it better than you. When you write your own book, you are able to reveal some of your deepest truths. Just the way you write is like your unique fingerprint. People can absolutely mimic your writing, learn about your topic, and write the book for you, but it won’t be totally you. When you sit down to write, you end up doing so much more than regurgitating knowledge. This isn’t a test. It’s a way to open up and let people in. And that authenticity leads to the next thing . . .
  • Connection – know, like, and trust. Have you ever binge watched a TV show? Silly question, I know. Isn’t it funny how we feel like we know the characters when we’ve watched them interact on the screen for a long time? The same thing happens with a book, yes, even a nonfiction book. You, the writer, are also the main character and narrator. You are guiding us through your ideas. You are showing us the way. And when you help someone navigate a challenge, you grow a little closer.
  • Instant Expert Status. What could be better than that? Writing a book means that you are stepping up in a big way, and people are going to notice. Part of the big visibility leap is what you do yourself with the book: the marketing that leads to the launch and beyond. Plus, that book will get passed around, and you can use it to give people who are looking for speakers a much better idea of who you are and what you do!

There is more, of course, but these are the biggest things that come from writing a book. The point is to drive people back to you as the expert.

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