Your Back Burner Book
Priorities. We all have them. Sometimes it’s your book. Sometimes it’s something else. But when it NEEDS to be your book and you keep it on the back burner, you’re never going to serve it up to your audience. What causes this? Why do we do it? For a number of reasons! Putting something on the back burner is supposed to be temporary, but it becomes permanent when we don’t know what to do, are afraid
How to Crave Your Writing Time
When you don’t know how to do something, you freeze, even if you were very excited to get started. As a professional, you know your thing . . . but when it comes to switching gears and writing your book, you’re in new territory. And that means that even that flow of excitement that got you into writing a book won’t necessarily see you through to the end of the project. You have to move from
What to do if You’re Still Emotional but Want to Write
When you know you need to write your story, but some of it still hurts, it’s tough to know whether that’s a sign that you flat our shouldn’t be sharing, if you need to push through it, or if you still have healing to do. I talked about some of the important questions you can ask yourself when you feel that drive along with the pain or anxiety about sharing, so you can judge for
Whether You “Should” Write a Book
I get a lot of questions about whether someone should or should not write a book. Usually it’s a question disguised as “am I worthy” or “someone needs to validate this pull I have to write a book.” If you’re curious whether you “should,” then watch my blog video and find out more about the feelings around this idea, the “should,” and the actual answer to the question.
Compassionate Writing Connects Better
Funny story: One of my clients grew up with a strong work ethic. His family impressed on him at a young age that you have to work hard to get what you want in life. That, plus a lot of other challenges when he was young, also drove him to want to help others build a life they love rooted in the things they love. This was a fun but challenging book to work on
Keep Your Writing Authentic with these 3 Tips
If you’re energy-sensitive like I am, then you can spot a fake a mile away. That’s why the mantra “fake it till you make it” feels so gross to me. People know when you’re slapping on a smile and telling them that you’re successful when you really don’t feel that way. And they can tell that in your writing too. So how do we make sure that everything we write feels authentic and comes through
Is Your Book Aligned with Your Business?
One morning, I awoke with a sense of urgency. It was almost like being awakened by an alarm. I felt like I should rush to my desk and write. I had a really strange dream that was like a movie. And not like the normal dream that’s like a movie. I saw the title come up on the screen. I saw the camera angles change. I met the characters. I followed them. I was even
Commitment is Key for Finishing Your Book
Sure you WANT to write a book, but I’m sure there are plenty of other things you WANT that you aren’t necessarily committed to. Think about all the times you decided you were committed to an exercise program or cleaning up your diet or not talking to your ex or whatever it was and ended up doing it anyway. There is a big difference between thinking you will or won’t do something and actually committing
Use Your Business Book as an Evergreen Marketing Tool with these 4 Tips
Employ these methods now to avoid ups and downs due to sickness or crisis If you have a business, then you’ve likely seen challenges. Lack of clients, loss of staff, illness and more changed the landscape of many businesses quarantine during the spring of 2020 quarantine, and it’s left many looking for outside the box ways to bring stability and work in new ways. The beautiful thing about having a book for your business is
Why Leaders Need to be Honest About their Story
The first book I wrote is in the fantasy genre, and the most fun thing about it was that I could make up everything! I created a world, characters, rules about magic, etc., and if I couldn’t figure out how something happened, magic was an all too convenient culprit. Obviously, the same isn’t true with fiction. Though it may look like other people rose to the top like magic, we know that it didn’t happen
Your Back Burner Book
Priorities. We all have them. Sometimes it’s your book. Sometimes it’s something else. But when it NEEDS to be your book and you keep it on the back burner, you’re never going to serve it up to your audience. What causes this? Why do we do it? For a number of reasons! Putting something on the back burner is supposed to be temporary, but it becomes permanent when we don’t know what to do, are afraid
How to Crave Your Writing Time
When you don’t know how to do something, you freeze, even if you were very excited to get started. As a professional, you know your thing . . . but when it comes to switching gears and writing your book, you’re in new territory. And that means that even that flow of excitement that got you into writing a book won’t necessarily see you through to the end of the project. You have to move from
What to do if You’re Still Emotional but Want to Write
When you know you need to write your story, but some of it still hurts, it’s tough to know whether that’s a sign that you flat our shouldn’t be sharing, if you need to push through it, or if you still have healing to do. I talked about some of the important questions you can ask yourself when you feel that drive along with the pain or anxiety about sharing, so you can judge for
Whether You “Should” Write a Book
I get a lot of questions about whether someone should or should not write a book. Usually it’s a question disguised as “am I worthy” or “someone needs to validate this pull I have to write a book.” If you’re curious whether you “should,” then watch my blog video and find out more about the feelings around this idea, the “should,” and the actual answer to the question.
Compassionate Writing Connects Better
Funny story: One of my clients grew up with a strong work ethic. His family impressed on him at a young age that you have to work hard to get what you want in life. That, plus a lot of other challenges when he was young, also drove him to want to help others build a life they love rooted in the things they love. This was a fun but challenging book to work on
Keep Your Writing Authentic with these 3 Tips
If you’re energy-sensitive like I am, then you can spot a fake a mile away. That’s why the mantra “fake it till you make it” feels so gross to me. People know when you’re slapping on a smile and telling them that you’re successful when you really don’t feel that way. And they can tell that in your writing too. So how do we make sure that everything we write feels authentic and comes through
Is Your Book Aligned with Your Business?
One morning, I awoke with a sense of urgency. It was almost like being awakened by an alarm. I felt like I should rush to my desk and write. I had a really strange dream that was like a movie. And not like the normal dream that’s like a movie. I saw the title come up on the screen. I saw the camera angles change. I met the characters. I followed them. I was even
Commitment is Key for Finishing Your Book
Sure you WANT to write a book, but I’m sure there are plenty of other things you WANT that you aren’t necessarily committed to. Think about all the times you decided you were committed to an exercise program or cleaning up your diet or not talking to your ex or whatever it was and ended up doing it anyway. There is a big difference between thinking you will or won’t do something and actually committing
Use Your Business Book as an Evergreen Marketing Tool with these 4 Tips
Employ these methods now to avoid ups and downs due to sickness or crisis If you have a business, then you’ve likely seen challenges. Lack of clients, loss of staff, illness and more changed the landscape of many businesses quarantine during the spring of 2020 quarantine, and it’s left many looking for outside the box ways to bring stability and work in new ways. The beautiful thing about having a book for your business is
Why Leaders Need to be Honest About their Story
The first book I wrote is in the fantasy genre, and the most fun thing about it was that I could make up everything! I created a world, characters, rules about magic, etc., and if I couldn’t figure out how something happened, magic was an all too convenient culprit. Obviously, the same isn’t true with fiction. Though it may look like other people rose to the top like magic, we know that it didn’t happen