Hey you! As a woman business owner who has seen the tough times life sometimes brings and wants to inspire others with your story of triumph ...
Needless to say, you have a story to share.

You have a beautiful story about how being in the trenches has allowed you to come out stronger and paved your true divine-given path, leading to your passion work.
Going through that, even when questioning whether you will end up where you want to be, was tough, but it ultimately led you to your destined path.
You’ve changed and grown, adapted and pivoted to take your business where you want it to go … And BECAUSE you trusted your higher power’s whispering in your soul, things are better than you could have imagined!
Living your truth has been your inspiration.
It’s crazy how women can live their everyday lives, feeling like the other shoe is always about to drop. Like we’re afraid of the hard stuff. But that’s what lets us do big things. So much beauty can come from our pain. Our stories of overcoming are full of hope and inspiration.
We have a place for that beautiful story …
Right now, Marta Sauret Greca (MEDIA- The Creative Agency) and Cori Wamsley (Aurora Corialis Publishing) are looking for 2 more women business owners (9 spots are already spoken for!) who have flourished because they trusted their divine nudges toward their intended path and want to share that story with the world in an anthology, a group book.
Because sharing our stories as a collective can be so powerful!
Every woman has a story about how it seemed like you were experiencing the end of the world, but then God put you on the path you were meant to be on, which let you soar as a business owner!
We want you to share about—
- How you found balance
- How you allowed yourselves grace
- How you pushed through your challenges
- What your story can teach others
And most of all, how divine inspiration kept you going!
Women are so dynamic that we often look at our challenges as little blips that interrupt our flow. We get through them. And then we keep going without looking back because, honestly, we are programmed to keep up that sprint!
Marta and Cori seek to celebrate how resilient women really are and how we strive for more in our own lives because we trust that our path will open up in divine timing. The desire to do what was put on our hearts helps us rise above and rock on!

If this sounds like you, here is what we would love to hear about in your 2,000-word chapter:
Your story of perseverance during difficult moments when you might have thought it was the end, but TRULY it was the beginning to your true purpose-calling.
And MAYBE how your path being disrupted could be the best thing that happened to you.
We know that the genuine divine truth is no one’s path to their life calling is a straight line! We want to hear YOUR story of perseverance through some of your darkest hours, those time when you called to your higher power, asking “why me” and finally, “what next?”
Share the moments in your life where you thought “I don’t kow how I’m going to do this.” Where you turned, “This is the worst thing that could happen to me,” into triumph, because it all unfolds when it’s meant to.
When we ignore our hearts, God has to knock us sideways for us to be able to hear it.
And we want you to share that story, the story of your divine truth!
Being a contributor in the anthology Unleashing Your Soul Level Magic was a really great experience for me! Cori Wamsley (publisher) made it so easy and comfortable as she helped guide me in how to share my story. It was a much easier process for me than I thought and almost therapeutic in certain ways. I really enjoyed getting to be a part of such a wonderful group of women sharing their stories as well. I’d definitely consider doing this again and now that I have some experience, feel more ready to write a book of my own in the coming years.
Samantha Bauer
Agency Owner at Goosehead Insurance Unleashing Your Soul-Level Magic

Want to join us on this mission? Here are the deets!
- You, as a contributing author, get to share a 2,000 word story, along with up to 500 words for your bio.
- You’ll learn about writing this story through 3 group coaching sessions (for just the coauthors of this book) with book writing coach Cori Wamsley.
- In just 3 months, you’ll have a chapter to share in this anthology!
- Marta Greca Sauret will be the featured author in this book, meaning that her story will be first and that she is able to contribute a longer piece than the other co-authors.
- The Aurora Corialis Publishing team will handle copy editing of the entire work with approval by coauthors on their individual chapters. The team will also create a cover, handle book development, and publish the book on September 4th. PR surrounding the launch is included.
- Marta will share with the coauthors how they can best optimize this book as an audience/lead generating tool on a bonus call, later in the summer.
- You, as a contributing author, will learn how to do an Amazon bestseller campaign with a goal of becoming a bestselling author!*
- You will be featured on the Mindset Moves Show, which streams on all podcast platforms, Roku TV, and YouTube.
- You will be featured in the online magazine MEDIAzine.
- A live launch party will be held on September 4th to honor the authors and celebrate the book at Treasure House Fashions’ headquarters in the Pittsburgh, Pa., area. Royalties from book sales and profit from this event will go directly to Treasure House Fashions. Royalties from online sales will also benefit Treasure House Fashions. (Learn more about this organization below.)
- As a coauthor, you will be able to purchase copies at the author price (just printing and shipping cost, roughly $5-6/book) to sell on your own at vendor tables, speaking engagements, or anywhere you go. There is no limit on how many copies you can purchase, and you keep any profit from selling these books (aside from sales and income tax).
You get all of this for just $1111!
Plus, authors will have an opportunity for a branding photoshoot with MEDIA The Creative Agency to help you promote the book. (This cost is in addition to the author fee of $1111.)
So who are we to be putting together a book about paths disrupted?

Meet Featured Author Marta Sauret Greca
Marta Sauret Greca helps families protect their financial peace by planning for the future and easing the stigma of societal financial burdens. She is a mom of 7, who loves spending time with them and their Doodle and chickens in the great outdoors.
Marta has been named “Woman Business Leader of the Year.” Her book, The Minimalist Method: The Emerging Entrepreneur’s Guide to Peace and Prosperity, and her book Powerful Synergy are both #1 best sellers on Amazon. She has been featured in national media outlets like KDKA, WPXI, The Today Show Blog, and Inspiring Lives Magazine.
With over ten years of marketing experience, Marta also serves as a spokesperson, content creator, speaker and consultant for countless holistic and family brands.
As someone who emigrated from Italy at nine years old, Marta is fluent in both Italian and French, and is a dual citizen of both Italy and France. She takes pride in having created businesses that help stimulate the U.S. economy.
Marta finds inspiration through her father, her late mother, and extended and ancestral family. She is always game to be a contributing expert on upcoming shows internationally or speaker at your upcoming event.
Learn more about Marta at https://martasauretgreca.com.
Cori Wamsley
Cori Wamsley, CEO of Aurora Corialis Publishing, works with leaders who want to write their soul books. She helps them quickly and easily write and publish a book that helps them create a legacy and be seen as an expert while building a relationship with the reader. She is also an author of 11 books, including three from the Soul Sisterhood series. Her book Braving the Shore won first place in fiction at The Author Zone Awards in 2023, and she was a nominee for the Brave Women Project’s Evolve Pillar Award the same year.
Cori has 20 years’ experience as a professional writer and editor, including 10 years with the Departments of Energy and Justice and four years as the executive editor of Inspiring Lives Magazine. She brings this expertise to her coaching sessions to help her authors share their personal stories in an empowering way.
Cori is also the mother of two “tweenage” daughters who keep her on her toes while she builds her business. With her daughters watching, her business has grown from freelance writing to book coaching and editing to full publishing house over the course of several years.

As women who have been through experiences that seem like the end of the world, Marta and Cori understand what it’s like to discover that they actually lead you to what you were meant for, redirecting you toward your divine path.

About the Nonprofit Beneficiary
Marta chose Treasure House Fashions, founded and run by Sally Power, as the nonprofit to benefit from the book. Women love to shop their meticulously maintained nonprofit women’s resale shop, run by tenderhearted volunteers.
Women who come to Treasure House from various agencies also have the dignity of shopping for what they like, as well as what they need. Some women are ready for suits or interview attire while others are still healing and need sportswear and comfy jammies. Treasure House provides a welcoming shopping experience – a boutique-style atmosphere and a playful, embracing attitude for women in all situations.
Treasure House’s quality fashions are deeply discounted and a blessing on any budget!
For more information, please visit https://www.thfashions.org/
Here’s what authors are saying about their experience working with Marta and Cori on an anthology:
Working with Cori on Powerful Synergy was an incredible experience. She guided me through the process and kept me informed every step of the way. Her coaching on the structure and storytelling within my chapter was invaluable. By the time my chapter was finalized, it was a piece of content I was genuinely proud of.
The launch party at the end was the highlight of the journey. Sharing that special moment with friends and family made the entire experience truly memorable. If you’re considering writing a book, I HIGHLY recommend Aurora Corialis Publishing and starting with a book chapter.
Emma Ferrick
Owner of ELF Operations | Author in Powerful Synergy

“Working with Cori and her team was an incredible experience. The ease of her process and the transparency of dates and deadlines made the achievement of becoming a published author so simple it almost doesn’t feel like an accomplishment! If you are looking to write a book or a chapter, I highly recommend Aurora Corialis Publishing. Front concept to story line and the editing process, it truly will be seamless!”
Erika Maddamma
Owner and CEO at Sunny Spaces Organizing | Author in Powerful Synergy
Sharing a personal story can be challenging when you’re trying to do it on your own. When you join forces with other authors on the same mission, the beautiful synergy leads to a powerful compilation of stories that all share a purpose: uplifting others and giving them hope. For this book, it’s no different.
And we all have seen the power of women coming together for a purpose! When women like you share your story, we tell others that we get their challenges, but we also shine a light on the other side, on the best parts overcoming what we’ve been through and following our divine path.
And we inspire those around us to adjust course and follow their hearts.
Want to join us by writing a chapter for this book?
Submit a pitch in the form below. Include your name, the name of your business, and a teaser about the story that you want to share from your experience as a woman who has had divine inspiration through the lowest moments in your life and are now utilized to inspire others. We want you to answer the question, “What was your rock bottom moment? How did you grow through the storm and get realigned with your path?” Some sample teasers from Unleashing Your Soul-Level Magic, published in March of 2023, are below the form to give you an idea of what we’re looking for. No, your pitch doesn’t have to be perfect. If you are selected for this book, it will be edited (keeping your voice) and used as part of the marketing materials for the book. Questions? Check out the FAQ below the sample teasers.

Sample Teasers
Kim Adley
It had been a lifelong dream of mine to own a tea house. I had been collecting vintage tea cups over the years with a dream to provide memorable tea experiences for others. I approached my husband with my idea to buy a small house that was on the market and rehab it into my tea house. He dismissed the idea as frivolous and said he didn’t care what I did as long as it wasn’t with “our” money.
I proceeded to the bank and applied for a $20,000 loan to purchase the little house. The 20-something banker, probably in his first job, said to me, “Mrs. Adley, can your husband co-sign this loan with you?”
I said, “No, I really want to get this loan on my own, please.”
He looked at me and then lowered his eyes to the papers. He said in a very matter of fact tone, “Well, I’m sorry Mrs. Adley, but you’re really not worth anything without your husband’s name attached.”
Bingo! Bam! Kaboom! He had pushed the ultimate big button that at first shut down all my systems in disbelief and then rebooted me with a rush of power and purpose. It was the painful and yet purposeful beginning to releasing my soul-level magic.
Samantha Bauer
“I can’t believe this,” I vented to my husband, “My team has exceeded our sales goals for the past year and a half and he told me I am too nice to be an effective sales leader! He literally said that I need to be more of an A-hole! So what? I’m supposed to compromise my character and treat people like garbage to squeeze more sales out of them? I’m not sure how much longer I can do this.”
And that’s when it happened. My then 5 year old daughter walked into the room. She had overheard what I had said. “Mom”, she said, “You told me never to change who I am for anyone so you shouldn’t either. Don’t listen to him, you should be the boss.”
It was in this moment that I realized just how much attention my kids were paying and I knew I had to make a change.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Do I need to pay in full for my spot?
No, the first half is due when you sign up ($555.50), and the remaining half is due by March 7. We start the week of the 3rd.
How long do I have to write my chapter?
The project begins with the first coaching session in March. The last coaching session will be in early May, and your chapter will be due by May 31st.
Do I have to stick to the word count?
The word count is a top cap for the number of words in your chapter, but all chapters should be within a couple hundred of the word count to ensure that you’ve made the best use of your space. Obviously, you want to write until the story is told and not just add things in to take up space, so if you’re struggling to get close, have a conversation with Cori. Conversely, if you are a few words over the word count, it’s not a big deal, but chapters that are significantly beyond the word count will get recommendations for trimming. Cori will check all chapters for length before alerting the editor to review them. The bio has the same rules. Sample bios will be provided.
How is editing handled?
All coauthors agree to have their chapter copyedited by Aurora Corialis’s editor. The editor reviews the chapter to make sure it makes sense, flows well, and adheres to the goals of the book, along with standard punctuation and missing word checks. They maintain the author’s voice as they make changes, so it will still sound like you. The coauthors will be able to approve edits after the first round and again after the second round. After that, Cori will do a final quality check of the entire book.
What is an Amazon bestseller campaign?
This is a marketing strategy that allows the authors to get their book in front of as many people as possible because they all have a warm audience (an audience who knows them), asking the audience to support the launch of the book with a minimal purchase. Typically, if the authors follow Cori’s instructions, bestseller status is reached on the day of the launch.
Do we get to vote on the title or anything else?
Because Cori has seen this get sticky with other anthologies, decisions about the title, cover, etc. will be made by Cori and the featured author, Marta. Decisions will be made with the entire body of work in mind because things like the title and cover represent all the stories. You will, however, get to select a title for your own chapter.
How much fun is this going to be?
Brace yourself. It’s going to be awesome! Sharing your story is cathartic and liberating, it’s uplifting and inspiring. Writing about something that you’ve been through and giving the reader hope with it is a totally unique experience that really needs to be lived for someone to get it. We hope you will join us in sharing your story so you can feel what this is like!
*Bestselling author status is not guaranteed.