
How to Do a Call-to-Action at the End of Your Book

How to Do a Call-to-Action at the End of Your Book

The End

You’ve told your story. You’ve analyzed. You’ve provided the reader with a path to take, guidance, solutions, and the knowledge that you can help them through to the end of their journey.

Now what?

Before you send to printing, take another look at that book. It’s really a marketing piece, not a stand alone. What do YOU want to get out of that book?

A client, of course. So you need to have a good and obvious call-to-action when the reader gets to that last page.

What’s a call-to-action? It’s the instructions for the reader to take the next step. And yes, you want it to be completely obvious. Don’t cross your fingers and hope the reader goes to your website to email you about a private session. Let them know that’s what you want.

Part of developing a book for your business is having a plan for that book. Ideally, you should start before you write the book to decide how you want to gain clients from the book and where you want to send them. However, you can do it at the end as well. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • How do you want to work with the reader? Do you want them to take a course, attend a lecture/seminar/workshop, or book coaching with you? At the end of the book, mention options for next steps so the reader can easily transition to that next step.
  • What do you already have in place for the reader to do next? What do you need to build? Determine what information the reader would need next and give them that. If they have the basics from your book but would benefit from going straight to coaching with you, then that’s where you want to lead them. However, if you have some mini-courses they can take to expand on the information from the book, send them to the sales page. Make sure the next step is something that makes sense. AND make sure it’s a way for you to turn a profit.
  • Can you get their email address? The absolute most important thing you can do is get that reader’s email address. That way, you can send them info, answer their questions, hook them up with great freebies like a video series or a worksheet for chapter 5, etc. This is a huge step toward know, like, and trust, so don’t neglect a reason to ask them for their email. Do this by sending them to your website for a freebie (a short video series is a great thing to offer), or by asking them what questions they have about the book.

You want to encourage your audience to take action now, right when they are fresh from your book, brimming with ideas, and ready to jump into their journey. If they can get on your list right away, then you can stay connected with them, so make sure you have that call-to-action at the end of your book.

Pro tip: Sprinkle things throughout your book that will encourage the reader to come to your website, join your Facebook group, or follow you on Instagram, for example. If you have something that would help out the reader at a particular point in the book, mention it. If it’s an ebook, link to it. Keeping it simple and making it attractive will help you out a lot with turning that reader into a client.

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