Do you ever find yourself taking on too many tasks? None of them get finished (or finished well). In fact, most of the time, you end up regretting taking on some of them.
This is a common problem for over-achievers, especially the people-pleasers among us. We don’t like to say “no.” We believe we can do all the things and be everywhere at once, and it just leads to displeasure, disconnect, and discontent.
If you’ve said “yes” to a book for your business, chances are, you get what I mean. You’re running a business, doing everything you can to reach bigger and bigger goals, and now you have to pause and do something that you’ve never done before. That’s challenging enough for someone with tons of time on their hands!
So how do I get my clients through a book in just 3 months without them wanting to murder me?
They stay streamlined and focused on what’s important with that book.
Let’s start with streamlined:
1) Use what you already have. If you’ve been in business at least a year, then you’ve got content.
You have videos, notes for talks, blog posts, emails, recordings of client sessions, mini-courses, speeches from the stage, lead magnets, and probably more stuff. This is all from your head, and it’s all already for your audience! This stuff is ripe for the picking, so use some of this as the spine for your book. Note: don’t just recycle this stuff and not add more to it. Use bits and
pieces and add in other things that you haven’t offered for free or that you haven’t used in a paid course to be honest with those who are paying for your wisdom.
2) Keep it basic. You don’t have to flesh out every single process, piece of the puzzle, or step from struggling to stardom. Think about what your audience needs, and give them the basics.
Working with beginners? Start them out with easy things they can do on their own before they enroll in your program.
Now for the focus.
1) Consider this a priority. Once you decide to write a book, commit to it. It’s a priority for your business, just like tracking expenses and pitching to potential clients. Mark off the time that you’re going to work on it, and get it done.
2) Eliminate distractions. This goes beyond just closing the office door. Recognize what you know typically distracts you, and circumvent the problem before it even starts. Shut off your phone.
Remove the notifications that pop up on your computer. Grab a bottle of water BEFORE you sit down. When you remove the potential for distraction, you ensure that you don’t have excuses to stop you from focusing on your book.
3) Set yourself up for a win. Plan your writing time, mark it on a calendar, and reward yourself for meeting your goals. It can really be that simple. You probably know what motivates you, so make sure you do that so you can keep things moving!
Staying streamlined and focused go a long way toward reaching the goal of writing a book! Need more help? Consider writing coaching. My Brilliant Business Books Intensive and VIP coaching helps you write your book in just 90 days. You could be published faster than you ever imagined. Click here to talk to me about your book and claim your free call!