It’s not hiring someone else to write it for you.
It’s not talking the whole thing in one sitting and paying a fortune for an editor.
The best thing you can do is hire a coach BEFORE you start writing.
When I worked on my first book, Martina Mackenzie: The Diana’s Eye, I sat down one night and wrote the first three chapters without a plan. I needed to write. I usually laugh about people saying this, but my SOUL needed me to write. I couldn’t stop myself.
The problem with that was that having no plan led to a messy draft. A very messy draft. I missed key points in plot development, dragged the story out by not moving the early scenes along fast enough, and didn’t give the reader enough things to keep them curious and make them want to keep reading.
After a few years of rewriting the book using my writing and editing skills that I was developing as a professional writer, I finally found a coach and worked with her on my book. She pointed out all the issues, and I rewrote the whole book again.
You know what’s not fun? Rewriting a book. It’s really, really not fun to do it several times. Yes, it was better each time, but honestly, I didn’t enjoy all that fixing at all.
Looking back, I wish I had known about writing coaches and had been able to hire one before I started my book so I could develop a clear plan for keeping the plot moving and the reader interested, while penning something more clear, concise, and interesting. The work we did together made a huge change to the text, and I am much happier with it now.
The problem I ran into before hiring a coach was that I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Yes, I had read tons of books already. Yes, I had critiqued, analyzed, deconstructed, etc. books from many different genres and across several centuries. But what was missing was the experience on the writing end and the ability to teach how to write. Now that I know what it takes, my writing flows in a way that keeps people turning pages. Thankfully.
The bottom line is that, like anything else in your business, it’s hard for you to see what the issues are when you are so close to it. When you work with a business coach, they will be the one to spot things like all your emails and social media are speaking to a different audience from who you want to attract. Or that your structure isn’t sustainable. Or that a program you offer could easily lead to bigger packages if you make this one tweak.
Working with a coach is like warp-speeding your ascent to the next level of whatever you are working on, whether it’s business, writing, or something else.
When you work with a writing coach, you’ll be able to create the best book that you possibly can. And since you want your book to be an evergreen marketing piece, it’s a wise investment for your business.