
Why you were Made for Writing a Book

Why you were made for writing a book

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ―Pablo Picasso

If you’re reading this right now, then you were made for writing a book.

You have a big story, a big idea, or a big message to get out to the world. You’re an emerging leader, or hope to be one soon, and your voice needs to be heard.

You feel deep down, soul-level, that if you don’t get in front of people, in their heads, and in their hearts, you will carry an ache with you that drives you to search for fulfillment until you finally find your tribe.

If you’ve been in business a while, then you already know. You already felt the tug, and you’re already partway there. Finding the right people to hear you has been a goal of yours, and you’re building that audience so you can make the impact you crave.

And if you’re new to business, welcome. The desire to go big drives many of us, though we alternate between loving and hating that feeling, sometimes in just a few minutes’ span.

Whether you’re not sure what to write, not sure how to publish, believe you don’t have the time for writing a book, or are held back for some other reason, the truth is that you, my friend, were made for writing a book.

Communicating about your passion, your truths, your deep beliefs surrounding your brand means that you can do that book. If you can speak it, then you can write it, and the world needs to read it.

When you have cultivated your gifts from the Universe in a way that you are now able to serve others, the possibility of a book already exists. And on some level, you’ve already written it—not in some mysterious other-timeline-kind-of-way—but in the way that you have likely already written and spoken everything you need, in short spurts, in long discussions, and in the ideas running through your head. That book already exists. You just have to pull it together and hit “publish.”

If you believe that you have a purpose on this planet and you’re fulfilling it right now, if that purpose is big and impactful and you love it, if you are giving your gifts fully, then you were definitely made for writing a book. Just think of a book as another way to share your gifts, make a bigger impact, and reach more people, and use that belief to propel you through the process.

You don’t need a degree in writing. You ARE a good writer. You just have to get out of your head, drop into your heart, and begin. Stop judging yourself before you even get started. All you truly need are a purpose, a plan, and a mentor. The rest is already within you!

So yes, you are indeed made for writing that book to accelerate your brand’s impact because you have big things to do, and your words are magic.

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