
Your Busyness is Hurting Your Business. Here’s why.

Your Busyness is Hurting your Business. Here's Why
Your Busyness is Hurting Your Business. Here's Why

A great way to get started with your book is to look at the other materials that you’ve written over the years and pull in a few that are still applicable to create part of the outline.

But if you aren’t doing the things you need to do to write those pieces or your book, it can have an impact on your business. In fact, it could be why you feel like you aren’t getting any farther in making the impact you crave because, honestly, you’re invisible.

When you’re invisible, it also makes you feel all the stuff like imposter syndrome, fear of failure or success, and massive doubt that can keep you stuck. So you push extra hard doing the “work” part and come up with no written material in the end because it’s perpetually “on the back burner.”

And you are seriously doing yourself a disservice if you’re busy doing all the things for your business and not working on that book, directly or indirectly.

Let me explain.

Business basically kills creativity. How many people do you know who drop off the kids, get 3 projects out the door, pick up groceries, prep dinner, do 2 more projects, throw in a load of laundry, and then pound out an amazing series of emails for their list in the 10 minutes while they are waiting to pick up their kids from the bus stop?

If you want to start on those emails, blog posts, etc. that could end up being part of your book—the really amazing, from the heart material that resonates with your audience—then you need to create space to be creative.

It doesn’t have to be a long time, but it does have to be quality. You have to let yourself relax so your brain can actually access your creativity so you can actually cultivate words that will connect with your ideal audience.

I’ve talked to so many people over the years who want to write a book but never reach that point because they are stuck in what to say to get their clients to listen and they are doing so many things that they never stop to access the part of them that they most need to share.

Every single person on this planet is creative. Really. But some people block that creativity with busyness. If that could be you, then try this.

  • Block off 30 minutes of your day. That’s all.
  • Release all your stressors. Deep breath, listen to music, listen to ocean sounds, meditate, stretch.
  • Once everything else is OUT of your head, drop into your heart, and listen.
  • You already know who you want to talk to with your next post, email, or Facebook live. So talk to them.

Getting into the energy of creativity will help you 1) speak more authentically and 2) operate from a space of giving.

And that’s the line where you cross into connection and brilliance!

That momentum from the smaller pieces will eventually get you ready for that book. And it will happen sooner than you think!

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