
Interview with Christina Tarantola, Author of Lighten Up! 7 Weeks to Release, Recharge, and Revitalize

Interview with Christina Tarantola, Author of Lighten Up! 7 Weeks to Release, Recharge, and Revitalize

I interviewed Christina Tarantola about her third book and her experience writing and publishing it. We had a fantastic chat and did my first ever recorded interview. Check it out below. Or, if you prefer to read, she has answered my questions under the video.

Tell me a little about your book.

Lighten Up! 7 Weeks to Release, Recharge, and Revitalize is a step-by-step guide to reclaim your health. I believe that healing starts from the inside out, and we must look at physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our lives in order to heal.

What was the inspiration for your book?

I wanted a succinct guide for my clients and readers to be able to understand simple, useful tips to heal their body. After battling with two eating disorders, anxiety and depression in my early twenties, I was searching for a solution, not a temporary fix. I tried every diet pill and diet out there and never felt any better. I also saw my patients in the pharmacy come back month after month on the same medications and never improve. I knew I needed to adjust my practice to help people heal their body.

I began researching about complementary sources of healing and healed myself using meditation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, hypnotherapy, and self-care practices. My goal is to empower women to heal and release what no longer serves them, to step into their light and be fully expressed in their relationships and business.

What does your book offer readers that makes it unique among other books in your genre?

It isn’t about a temporary fix or a cookie cutter diet, but rather being in tune with what works for your body. Everyone is different, so a blanket plan will not work for everyone. Intuitive eating is a big concept I teach in the book, and I know that when we make space to be mindful and still, we can eat more intuitively.

Why did you first decide to write a book?

This is my third book. I have always loved to write. As a child it was a way to express myself because I was constantly suppressed and told to “be quiet” and “not to cry.” As I grew older, I had a gut feeling that I was meant to share my story on a large scale and to write a book about it. Each book I have written starts with a simple concept: usually a word or idea comes to me, and I follow it through. When I pick the idea, other books related to that topic will manifest into my experience or I will hear a podcast or video about it. Most of my research winds up coming out of synchronistic events like those.

Did you work with anyone during the writing process?

On the first book, I traveled to Bali with Mastin Kipp on a writer’s retreat with 30 other women. I had had someone transcribe all of my journals, and so I already had a lot of the content. It was just about organizing it and making it fluid.

For Lighten Up!, I had five other pharmacists contribute to the appendix, and they also helped with editing. You did a phenomenal job on the formatting! (C: Thank you! J)

What was the most challenging part of the writing/publishing process?

My goal for the next book is to work with an independent publisher. I would love for my book to be in every Barnes and Noble, and most of the time, they won’t accept publications that are self-published through Create Space.

What did you enjoy most about the writing/publishing process?

Weaving together concepts that I know will make an impact and resonate with people. Just knowing that my book will be in the hands of hundreds of people is exciting to me!

What was your experience with marketing?

I had two book signings and recently gave a talk where I gifted 60 of my books to the audience. A book is a great marketing tool for my nutrition consulting business.

What would you tell someone who wants to start writing?

Discover your why. It is easy to say, “I want to write a book.” It is entirely another to actually sit your butt down and do it. You need a strong motivator for those days when you just don’t feel like doing it! J

Christina’s book, Lighten Up! 7 Weeks to Release, Recharge, and Revitalize, is available on Amazon and Kindle.

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