
3 Ways you’re Sabotaging your Business and not even Realizing It

3 Ways you’re Sabotaging your Business and not even Realizing It
3 Ways you’re Sabotaging your Business and not even Realizing It

The first few months that I was “in business,” I went to TONS of networking events. And I didn’t do too badly. I made enough contacts that I at least found some writing to do, and every month, I ended in the black, even if it was barely over the line.

But that was the bulk of my activity: showing up consistently to talk with the same people month after month, hoping that it would net me enough contacts to turn what I was doing into a “real” business.

It wasn’t a bad thing to start with, but after about six months, I realized that I wasn’t expanding my network that much. A few people recommended me to their friends, but I thought it would be a lot easier than this. After all, the first person I talked to after starting my business said that she had simply told her former coworkers and her friends and family that she was starting a writing business, and they gave her constant referrals. She said she never had a problem finding work and always brought in a decent income. So what was I doing wrong?

Nothing. It just happened that the people I was connecting with didn’t need much written. A few blog posts. Web material. A press release. And they didn’t know enough people for me to build any kind of business fast.

I had to think of a better way for myself. Every business is different after all.

That’s when I realized that I wasn’t doing some of the major things that really help people see your expertise in what you do. And I bet you’re missing at least one of these pieces, too.

I was showing up live, in the Pittsburgh area, but I was missing out on the global market by not doing much with social media, for starters. Here are some places where you might be missing out on easy visibility.

  • You’re not showing up online. And I don’t mean posting a pic of your kids or a funny meme every few days. I mean really showing up. Look at where your people are. Is it Facebook? Instagram? LinkedIn? Somewhere else? Think about that, first, and then make sure that you have content for that platform at least once a day. Planning ahead is a huge help for this so you aren’t scrambling.
  • You’re not doing live videos anywhere. Yes, I know video can be scary, but it works. If you can’t meet someone in person, then posting live videos is the next best way to help them learn about you, pick up on your energy, and discover if you are someone they want to work with. And it’s not as scary as you think. Start small, just a few minutes once a week. You can even make some notes ahead of time so you don’t forget anything important.
  • You’re not working on a book. This is my favorite one. A book is an essential piece of the puzzle. It’s great for marketing your business. It gives you instant expert status. AND it’s permanent. That’s one reason why people shy away from it, but think about what it says about you when you write a book. You really stand behind your work! And it’s something that people can consume slowly and really learn about how you think and help your clients. A book is a no-brainer for any business that wants to get serious attention and go big!

What can you do to fix this? How can you get more visible? Work on a plan to make writing and speaking a part of your business so you can make a bigger impact.

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