
Transforming from Speaker to Author Could be as Simple as a Name Change

Transforming from Speaker to Author Could be as Simple as a Name Change

That’s all it takes, huh? I just change my name to Tony Robbins or Gabrielle Bernstein?

Not exactly.

Like many other things, there is a mindset shift required for you to actually reach success on that book.

Remember back to when you had a dream of taking the stage, coaching, or otherwise developing your business. How hard was it to succeed if you thought of it as a hobby or a gig or your “little business”?

But when you started thinking of yourself as a successful speaker, for example, how did that change things for you? You likely took on a newfound confidence when pitching. You likely presented yourself differently in front of a crowd. You likely felt more excitement when doing what you believed you were supposed to be doing.

It’s the same with becoming an author. You have to believe that you are an author to actually be able to write that book. Even something as little as believing that you are becoming an author or learning how to be a successful author or some other mind trick can help you on your way.

Let’s flip it around now. How well do you think someone writes when they are constantly saying, “I’m not a writer, but I want to write a book”? Probably not very well. And that’s not even up to the level of author yet. You’re already telling yourself it’s never going to happen on the very first step!

Start referring to yourself as an “author” at the very beginning, even if it’s just in the mirror with no one else around. Get used to it. If you want to be an author, then you have to embody that idea.

That jump from writer to author isn’t nearly as big if you believe in yourself.

Let’s start small, though, if you don’t feel ready for “author.”

  1. Start with “writer.” Remember that writing is an act, and honestly, all it takes to be a “writer” is to “write.” You don’t have to add any adjectives yet (“good,” “amazing,” “successful,” “whatever”). Just write and call yourself a “writer.” Pretty simple.
  2. Talk about your writing. Even if it’s just short pieces, an article or two, or even some musings, that writing adds up. Mention what you’re working on when you write to your email list or post on social media. That does two things for you: it makes it real, and it helps you keep going. It does two things for your audience, too: it tells them that you are putting pen to paper and that they might expect a book down the road.
  3. When you start on your book, set yourself up like an author. Get the help you need to complete the book (coaching, cover design, editing, publishing help, etc.). And start referring to yourself as “Author of the Upcoming Book XXX.” Don’t have a name for your book? Just replace those “XXXs” with “About (TOPIC).”

By the time you are in the middle of step three, you should feel pretty comfortable with your new role, AND you will hopefully be excited to share that upcoming book with the world!

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